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Tara Kiene
Position: Staff reporter

Spread joy, not germs, to friends and family this holiday season

The holidays are typically a time for being with family members and for sharing. Sometimes, though, this results in unhealthy sharing of communicable diseases such as the flu. Co...

Liberty School serves students in outstanding way

“We don’t brag about what we can do.” I read this on the classroom wall as I toured the new home of The Liberty School. It is part of a set of ideas labeled, “The Liberty Way,” and it struck...

We are grateful for our S.W. Colorado communities

In November, Americans traditionally count our many blessings, and as a nation, we are certainly blessed. As one smallish nonprofit in one little, rural corner of this nation, Community Conn...

Better worlds start with great mothers; San Juan Basin can help

At San Juan Basin Public Health's Nurse-Family Partnership, first-time moms are empowered to transform their lives and create better futures for themselves and their babies. NFP ...

State celebrates Disability Employment Awareness Month

In January 2019, the minimum wage in the state of Colorado will take another leap toward a livable wage as the minimum hourly rate for most workers increases to $11.10. Note that...

A look at what’s new in health insurance options

The availability of health care that is accessible and affordable is essential to our well-being. Unfortunately, health care can be expensive and the insurance system can be complex. ...

We honor our Direct Support Professionals with DSP Week

As you scrape the molten remains of the hamburgers off the grill, I invite you to join me in a final reflection about the intent of our American Labor Day (beyond beer, brats and buddies, wh...

Building community resilience through caring connections

Imagine living in a place surrounded by natural beauty and filled with people who care so deeply about one another that generous support is offered without hesitation during challenging time...

Are our furry friends welcome in restaurants?

If one thing is evident about where we live, it is that many visitors and residents love their dogs. They’re sure to be seen on trails, at the Dog Park and strolling with their people in dow...

Our good intentions are imprisoning people

This idea that when we’re old we get to wear purple is way too tame for the generations approaching their twilight years. When we’re old, we get to rock out till 3 a.m. to Judas Priest at a ...

Are our furry friends welcome in restaurants?

If one thing is evident about where we live, it is that many visitors and residents love their dogs. They’re sure to be seen on trails, at the Dog Park and strolling with their people in dow...

Americans with Disabilities Act celebrates its anniversary

July 26, 1990, stands as a landmark day for civil rights in the United States. On that day, President George H.W. Bush (aka George I) signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. On ...